Home Backup Solutions
Backing up data files is one of the most overlooked aspects of home computing. If disaster strikes at home, household insurance covers replacing your home but it can’t replace your memories.
There are many ways you can unintentionally lose information on a computer: people delete files, a sudden power outage, equipment fail or, at worst, a house fire.
The reality is that you might think that you don’t really have anything worth backing up, but what about:
Photos – this is probably the most important data you could lose.
Internet Favourites – how large is your list of bookmarks?
Email Addresses– All your photographs do not need to stay hidden on your PC. Enjoy your memories popping up while you listen to music or simply view them together as a group.
Old Emails – you could lose contact with an old acquaintance.
Your CV – how long would that take to retype?.
Whilst some if the data can be recovered from other sources, valuable and irreplaceable data like photographs could be lost forever.
Don’t Panic
The good news is that if you backup your data regularly and keep it in a safe place, you can get your data back if something happens to your computer
Quite often we are asked to rescue lost data. Our Data Recovery Service can recover data from many types of failure but we cannot help when the PC has been stolen or suffered catastrophic hardware damage.
We can advise you on the best way to protect your data so call us today. Whether you choose a Storage Server or opt for an internet back up service. Never again will you need to worry about losing data.
How do I backup my PC?
We can set up a backup routine on your PC in three different ways. Starting with the most cost effective:
- Good: Connected Hard Drive – by using an external hard drive attached to your computer we can use either commercial or free software to backup your critical data,
- Better: Storage Server – a Storage Server allows the entire household to utilise a central secure storage area to backup and share data.
- Best: Internet (Cloud) based Storage – by using a broadband connection we can set up an automatic secure (and encrypted) backup using the internet.
There is a fourth method of backing up to your PC locally but it’ is a method we do not enforce because it only protects against a file being deleted and not against damage to the PC or Laptop.